Chapel's snack bar is stocked with delicious and healthy treats for the students to eat during break, recess, or afterschool. Our bar is not exactly the best one, if we compared it to Graded's or St.Paul's our bar would be considered empty. Theirs is truly full of treats, they are not very healthy but they have more options. According to our administrators Chapel's bar is not like that because there is a rule stating that some specific things would be prohibited to be sold in the snack bars at schools. But apparently Chapel was the only school who decided to follow it, leaving its students with the desire for more. If the other schools have it, then it must not have been such a serious rule. Also during break our snack bar area ia a caos, because it's the time where every student is purchasing their chits, and who ever goes there may say it's not the most organized place there is. There is always people cutting line, students smudged and pushed by others. Although there are some teachers to watch and see whats going on, nobody can control what happens. The best way to fix all these problems would be if the school gave us a card where we could deposit our money and we could just go to the bar and the money we would have to pay would just be discounted from it. It would solve everyone a lot of problems. We hope that we can find a solution.
This picture was taken from here.
This sounds familiar.
Although your idea of a simple swipe card (like a credit card) sounds more efficient than a chit distributing machine.